Help others discover God by participating in our Sunday Morning Worship Service. You could be a part of the following:
- Adult Choir & Worship Band / Team: share your talents.
- Audio / Visual Team: assist in sound and computer operation for the services.
- KIDs Care: provide Extending Teaching Care to our bed babies and preschoolers.
- Greeters: welcome people as they arrive in our parking lots and throughout our campus.
- Ushers: distribute informational material and collect the offering.
- Worshiper: engage in the service by wholeheartedly worshiping God.
Help others CONNECT through age appropriate small groups that meet each Sunday morning at 9:15. These intimate settings allow you to serve in any of the following areas centered around Reaching, Teaching, and Supporting.
- Reaching: contacting people when they are absent; organizing fellowships.
- Teaching: preparing and leading weekly Bible discussions; substituting for the teacher.
- Supporting: maintaining attendance records; coordinating prayer concerns. Talk to your CONNECT Group Director or Teacher for more information on ways you can serve.
UBC has a variety of committees which meet regularly and provide support for our programs. Find a place of service where you can best use your talents and abilities. Gain an overview of church committees and view the Committee Policies.